'Love, Heartache, Hope and Faith'
Heidi and Jack started dating in their Junior year of High School. They married 6 years later and have been married 11 years. They have shared 17 years together! Their story of love, faith, and strength inspires me.
It was almost three years ago when I first met Heidi, Jack, and their precious newborn son - 10 day old Jeremiah. They arrived at our Home Studio, along with Photographer Joe Marshall and his Videographer. We taped a Newborn Training Session, for Scott Voelker - of New Portrait Biz, in 1 hour and 30 minutes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihwy-VPN2Sw For those of you who photograph Newborn Sessions, you know, that is quite the record! Most of my Newborn Sessions last a minimum of 3-4 hours, so this session was truly amazing. Ten day old Jeremiah slept throughout the whole session! I fell in love with this baby immediately! :)
Upon meeting Heidi & Jack, I had no idea of the tragedy, and heartbreak, they had experienced just one year prior. I thought Jeremiah was their first born child, however just one year earlier- on May 16, 2010 - they had delivered twin boys, Isaiah and Noah. The baby boys were born at only 23 weeks and 2 days...Noah lived for 10 days and Isaiah lived for only 20 minutes. I can't even begin to imagine the pain Heidi and Jack experienced at this time. Little did they know, only three months later - they would be blessed - when Heidi and Jack became pregnant with another son. Jeremiah was born on May 5, 2011 ~ just one year after his twin brothers.
When I learned about this family and their amazing story, I was touched by their strength and their faith in God. They didn't tell me about their heartache, during our first meeting. They were just proud parents of their newborn son, Jeremiah. After posting pictures of Jeremiah on our Facebook page, and reading all of the comments about the blessing (and miracle baby) they had received, I thought there was more to their story than I knew.
Heidi and Jack purchased our 'Watch Me Grow' Package for Jeremiah, and I was thrilled to see this precious little boy, and his Mommy & Daddy once again. At their next session, they shared their story about the twin boys - Isaiah and Noah, with me. It was heartbreaking to imagine all that they had suffered, and now they were blessed with a perfect, beautiful baby boy. I spent the first year getting to know this wonderful family, and they became more than clients ~ they became friends.
As Jeremiah was approaching his 1st birthday, Heidi and Jack confided in me that they were thinking about adopting a baby. I was so happy for them and hoped that it would be soon! The thought of another baby for this family was so exciting. Just a few months before Jeremiah's 2nd birthday - on February 19th - Josiah was born! Heidi & Jack contacted me immediately, so we could set up Josiah's Newborn Session. I was so happy for this family. After all of their pain, it seemed as though their hearts were beginning to heal with the blessings of Jeremiah and Josiah in their lives. :) I met Josiah, and I was in awe of his beautiful blue eyes and his gentle spirit.
When they returned for Josiah's 4 month pictures, I learned that Heidi was one month pregnant with another child. This was a blessing and a surprise for everyone! Of course, I was thrilled! I would get to meet, and photograph, yet another one of their beautiful children. As the months progressed, Heidi and I stayed in touch through email and Facebook. It was a sad day, when a friend of Heidi's contacted me to tell me that Heidi had gone into labor at only 25 weeks. My heart ached, and my mind could not comprehend that this family would have to go through such suffering again. When I heard it was a baby girl, I knew the sadness must have been unbearable. This family had already lost twin boys, and they were blessed with two healthy boys after that. The baby girl would have completed their family.
Baby Lily was born on September 30, 2013 at 4:10 AM, at only 25 weeks gestation. Her Mom, Heidi, almost lost her life when she went into labor. She lost a lot of blood and needed two surgeries to keep her alive. Lily's weight was 2 pounds at birth and got down to 1 pound 7 ounces for her lowest weight. She was in the same NICU bed as her brother Noah was not too long before her birth. Can't help but think, that big brother Noah was there, in spirit, helping his little sister to be strong and survive for their family. To make matters worse, Jack - who is a Nurse - had been laid off from his job, just a short time before Heidi gave birth to Lily. They now had a 2 1/2 year old, a 7 month old, a Newborn baby, a Mom fighting for her life and a Dad who had to keep it all together for all of them.
I stayed in touch with Heidi and Jack's friend, and the details of Lily's birth were not too positive.
Lily, and her parents, were in for some tough times. Lily had heart surgery, two chest tubes, over a month on a vent, brain bleed, eye issues, feeding problems, and numerous other breathing issues, just to name the major ones. After many, many, prayers, and many ups and downs ~ Lily was finally released from the hospital - almost 4 months later, on what would have been her due date 1/13/14 - at just over 6 pounds!!! Thankfully, Heidi and Jack had a lot of emotional support around them. Prayers from all who knew them, worked miracles in their lives. Their struggles are far from over, but their baby girl was alive and finally at home!
On January 19, 2014 ~ just six days after Lily went home, I got to meet her! I packed up my car with all of my baby girl props, pretty hats, and colorful headbands, and off I drove to meet this miracle baby girl. When I arrived at Jack and Heidi's house, I saw sweet Lily sleeping with an oxygen tank close by and oxygen tubes connected to her little nose. She was also connected to a heart monitor. Such a tiny little Angel who fought with all of her might! I couldn't believe I was there looking at her and holding her (after washing my hands, of course). She is quite the fighter and I look forward to watching her grow.
I feel so blessed that I could capture pictures for this beautiful family. They are under so much stress with three babies under the age of 3 years old. Just the cost in diapers is too much to imagine, not to mention all the Doctor and hospital bills that keep coming in. Lily, must see a pulmonary doctor, eye doctor, and neurologist to watch her progress. Their home is small, only having two bedrooms ~ but, it is filled with love! I must admit that it was a bit overwhelming to walk into a bedroom and see 3 cribs in one room. Lily will be sleeping in Mom and Dad's room for quite some time, but someday she will need a room of her own. They were planning to add on a third bedroom when Heidi went into premature labor with Lily. Now, with all the medical bills ~ the third bedroom is not in their near future. I wish I had a magic wand (or a really large bank account!!!) so I could give this family the third bedroom they had planned for their baby girl. After the session, I drove home thinking about this family ~ who I have come to know so well. I wondered why they would have to suffer so much emotionally, mentally, and financially. They are kind and loving people. They smile and laugh, and love one another. They both say, they are just taking one day at a time.
Heidi and Jack are an inspiration to all of us who complain about the little things in life. They have been handed a lot, but they are strong and positive which is what will get them through the tough times. I will continue to pray for them and hope that their future will be filled with all good things! I can't wait to watch Lily grow! What a story her Mommy and Daddy will tell her someday. :)
The following images begin with Jeremiah, who will be turning 3 years old in May. You can see the journey we have traveled with this family. So many memories over just 3 short years. Thank you Heidi and Jack for allowing us to be part of your family memories! It has been so much fun working with you and your beautiful family. :)
Jeremiah ~ 10 Days - May 2011 |
Jeremiah ~ born one year after his twin brothers Noah & Isaiah. |
Jeremiah turns 1 Year Old! |
Jeremiah's 1st year went so fast! Excited to meet baby brother Josiah! |
Josiah's Newborn Session ~ February 2013 |
Sweet baby Josiah! |
Jeremiah is ready to be a big brother. :) |
Beautiful family! |
Daddy gets an unexpected gift from newborn Josiah! |
Daddy Jack ~ always the good sport! His sense of humor can be seen here! |
Heidi & Jack are blessed with their boys ~ Jeremiah & Josiah |
Baby Lily arrives at only 25 weeks gestation, weighing just 2 pounds at birth. Here she is at 4 months old and weighing just over 6 pounds |
Lily has been on oxygen since her birth. She is such a little doll who fought hard to survive! Thank you God for answering prayers for Lily and her family. |
She is a fighter...You can see the scar just below her left shoulder blade. The scar is from her heart surgery. So tiny and so strong. |
She is a miracle baby girl! This is the scar on her back from heart surgery. |
Mommy & Daddy are relieved to have their baby girl home. |
Mother and daughter. Pure Joy! |
Father and daughter. Pure Love! |
Perfect little baby toes! |
Beautiful Lily... |
2 pounds at birth ~ over 6 pounds at 4 months old. |
Lily ~ perfect in every way! |
She really liked sleeping on her belly. |
What an Angel! |
Kisses from Lily! |
Little Princess! |
Pure Perfection... |
One of Lily's NICU Nurses made this 'Hello Kitty' hat for her. |
Lots of prayers for this precious baby girl. |
Lily is home and the family is complete. |
Now all they need is a TV Show (or a kind, generous person) to help make their dream of building Lily's bedroom for her become a reality! Spread the word for them. I believe in the 'Power of Intention' and I would love to see this family receive a Home Makeover!!! They sure deserve it!
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